9th Global Forum
9th Global Forum
Professor Pierre-François UNGER State Councilor, Department of Economy and Health Republic and Canton of Geneva
Professor Henri Bounameaux Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva
Mr. Bernard GRUSON Director General University Hospital of Geneva
Professor Pierre DAYER Medical Director University Hospital of Geneva
Doctor K.M. CHERIAN, Chennai, India
Professor James L. COX, Naples, FL. USA
Professor Kathy JENKINS, Boston, MA, USA
Mrs. Annabel LAVIELLE, San Francisco, CA, USA
Professor William M. NOVICK, Memphis, TN, USA
Doctor Carlos ROYOS, Lausanne, Switzerland
Mrs. Bistra ZHELEVA, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Chairman Prof. Afksendiyos KALANGOS, MD, PhD, FECTS, DSc (Hon.) President and Founder Global Forum on Humanitarian Medicine in cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Chairman, Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Geneva, Switzerland
Vice-Chairman Prof. William M. NOVICK, MS, MD Paul Nemir endowed Professor Surgery and International Health Child Health University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center Founder and Medical Director International Children’s heart Foundation, Memphis,TN, USA
Secretary General Dr. Jan T. CHRISTENSON, MA, MD, PhD, FETCS Secretary General and Founder Global Forum on Humanitarian Medicine in cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Geneva, Switzerland
Members Dr K.M. CHERIAN, MS, FRACS, DSc (Hon.), Chairman & CEO, Frontier Lifeline & Cherian Heart Foundation, Chennai, India
Prof. James L. COX, MD President & CEO World heart Foundation, Naples, FL, USA
Mrs Alice GRAINGER-GASSER Project Manager, World Heart Federation, Geneva, Switzerland
Mrs Robin AUSTIN KING Executive Director, World Heart Foundation, Vita Capital Foundation
Ms. Annabel LAVIELLE President, Global Heart Network Foundation, San Francisco, CA, USA
Dr. Mustafa CIKIRICIOGLU, MD, PhD Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Geneva, Switzerland
Mrs Bistra ZHELEVA Childrens Heartlink, International Programs Manager
Dr. Patrick MEYERS Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Geneva, Switzerland
Secretariat: Registration and hotel reservations
Mr. Gerhard J. SCHNEIDER | |
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