9th Global Forum

Key Note Speakers

9th Global Forum

Key Note Speakers

Doctor Ravi AGARWALFrontier Lifeline Hospital, Chennai, India
Prof. R. Morton BOLMAN IIIHarvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Team Heart, Boston, MA, USA
Mr. Marco BUHLMANBoard member GHN, San Francisco, CA, USA
Mrs. Josie EVERETTExecutive Director, Heart-to-Heart International Children’s Medical Alliance, Oakland, CA, USA
Prof.Alessandro FRIGIOLASan Donati Hospital, Milan, Italy
Prof. Antoine GEISSBUHLERDepartment of Medical Informatics, University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland
Mr. Christopher HESTVice President, East meets West Foundation, Hanoi, Vietnam
Mrs. Prasanga HINIDUMA-LOKUGEMedtronic Foundation, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Doctor Patricia HICKEYVice President CV and CC services, Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Professor Kathy JENKINSHarvard Medical School, Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Mrs. Robin KING AUSTINVinaCapital Foundation, Saigon, Vietnam
Mrs. Annabel LAVIELLEMNA, President Global Network Platform, San Francisco, CA, USA
Doctor Aubyn MARATHPresident CardioStart Int’l, Portland, OR, USA
Doctor Shanti MENDISCoordinator Cardiovascular Disease, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Doctor Nguyenvu NGUYENLurie Children’s’, Chicago, IL, USA
Mr. Robert PINEManaging Director, Surgeons of Hope, New York, NY, USA
Professor Daniel SIDIHopital Necker-Enfants Maladies, Paris, France
Dr. Jane SOMERVILLEHeart Hospital, London, UK
Professor Kathryn TAUBERTChief Science Officer, World Heart Federation, Geneva, Switzerland
Mrs. Diana VACCA McGHIEGlobal Advocacy Manager, American Heart Association, Washington DC, USA
Mr Hakim YADIPA Consulting Group, Cambridge Technology Centre, Melbourne, UK
Professor Charles YANKAHGerman Heart Institute, Berlin, Germany
Ms Bistra ZHELEVAVice President of International Programs, Children’s HeartLink, Minneapolis, MN, USA

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