9h Global Forum

Scientific Programme

9th Global Forum

Scientific Programme


WEDNESDAY, June 26, 2013

07:00  – 09:45Registration
08:00 – 16:30

International Quality Improvement Collaborative, IQCI,

Learning Session , room E4

08:00 – 08:10Introduction
08:10 – 09:45IQCI Data Reporting
09:45 – 10:15Coffee break
10:15 – 11:15Using collaborative Tools to Build Team Communication and Culture
11:15 – 12:00 
12:00 – 13:00Luncheon
13:00 – 13:30Plenary
13:30 – 14:45IQIC Partner Hospital Experience Sharing
14:45 – 15:00Coffee break
15:00 – 16:15 
16:15 – 16:30Wrap up
19:00Dinner for participants in IQIC learning session

THURSDAY, June 27, 2013

07:30 –  17:30Registration
09:00 – 09:30Opening 9th Global Forum
09:30 – 11:30Session 1 How to strengthen health care for people with cardiovascular disease in low and middle income countries?
11:30  – 12:00Welcome reception, Foyer Marcel Jenny
12 :00 – 12:40Film « OPEN HEART », Auditorium Marcel Jenny
12:00 – 13:00Luncheon
13:00 – 15:15Session 2 Measurement of Quality and Outcomes in Cardiac Medicine in low- and middle income countries.
15:15 – 15:45Coffee break Foyer Marcel Jenny
15:45 – 17:30Session 3 Various types of successful projects – how to achieve sustainability?
17:45 – Buses leave hospital for transport to Piano concert

Piano Concert, Château de Penthes, followed by 

Cocktail reception (bring ticket please)




FRIDAY, June 28, 2013

07:30 – 18:00Registration
08:30 – 10:30Session 4 The Global Heart Network Platform, GHN
10:30 – 11:00Coffee break
11:00 – 12:00The Global Heart Network Platform, GHN con’t
12:00 – 13:00Session 5 GHN panel discussion
13:00 – 14:00Luncheon
14:00 – 15:30Session 6 On comprehensive cardiovascular program: Cardiac Surgery in Rwanda
15:30 – 16:00Coffee break
16:00 – 17:30Session on comprehensive cardiovascular program con’t.
17:30 – 18:00Round Table Discussion
 Evening free
19:30Faculty dinner, Hotel Intercontinental (by invitation only)



SATURDAY, June 29, 2013

08:00 – 12:30Registration
09:00 – 10:30Session 7 Miscellaneous – free papers
10:30 – 11:00Coffee break
11:00 – 12:00Session 8 Congenital problems in adulthood and continued education and training
12:00 – 12:15 

Conclusion and Closure


9th Global Forum

Kief Davidson, Director, Producer & Cori Shepherd Stern, Producer

Open Heart is the story of eight Rwandan children who leave their families behind and embark on a life-or-death journey to receive high-risk open-heart surgery in Africa’s only free-of-charge, state-of-the-art cardiac hospital, the Salam Center run by Emergency, an Italian NGO. Their heart valves, damaged and weakened by rheumatic heart disease, which develops from untreated childhood strep throat, leave them lethargic and weak. Some of the children have only months to live. During their cross-continental journey, Open Heart reveals the intertwined endeavors of Dr. Emmanuel Rusingiza, Rwanda’s lone, overworked public cardiologist, and Dr. Gino Strada, the Salam Center’s head surgeon. As one of Emergency’s founders, he must fight not just for the children’s lives but for the tenuous financial future of the hospital. While heart disease is often associated with the excesses of Western nations, severe cardiac diseases requiring surgery are extremely prevalent in resource-poor Sub-Saharan Africa.   Because medical treatment is often unavailable, minor maladies like strep throat are often left untreated, and lead to a host of complications, including rheumatic fever, which – especially in young children and teenagers – can permanently damage the heart valves. Children with the weakened valves show symptoms of fatigue, fever, bloody coughing and trouble sleeping. They quickly become weaker as their valve tissue deteriorates, and open-heart surgery – while invasive, dangerous, and prohibitively expensive – quickly becomes the only option to repair or replace the damaged valves and save the children’s lives. There are an estimated 18 million people afflicted with rheumatic heart disease and in need of urgent surgery, almost two thirds of them children, and the disease kills 300,000 people per year. Despite those facts, the Salam Center remains the only facility in Africa capable of such high-standard cardiac surgery, free of charge. At once a marvel of modern medical engineering and the triumph of an idea, Salam is key in Emergency’s plan to treat and reduce heart diseases in an area three times the size of Europe and home to 300 million people. Building a world-class, technologically advanced cardiac diagnostics and surgery facility in the middle of a desert in Northern Sudan is an impressive feat on its own. Making its services free (including lifelong regimens of prescription drugs and follow-up visits) to anyone who steps through its doors is just shy of revolutionary. The idea that “the Right to be Cured” should be accessible and free of charge to every member of the “human community,” is part of Emergency’s operating ethos. To accomplish that, the Center serves as a hub for the program for pediatrics and cardiac surgery that Emergency is implementing throughout its own medical facilities and local hospitals across Africa.


Dr. Gino Strada.    The pioneer of this medical marvel is Dr. Gino Strada, an Italian war surgeon with a resume that reads like the complete history of modern international conflict zones. One of the founding members of Emergency, Gino’s life’s work is to bring the highest standard of excellence in surgical care to the world. He is a fierce supporter of universal healthcare without precondition.


Dr. Emmanuel Rusingiza.   Rwanda’s only public cardiologist, Dr. Emmanuel Rusingiza works tirelessly and with a marked lack of resources, but thrives in a country that is ambitious in its plan to provide true healthcare as a human right to all of its citizens. Despite the country’s remarkable strides in many areas of health care, often by the time patients arrive in the public hospital where Dr. Emmanuel works, they have been living with untreated rheumatic fever or other heart disease for years. Emmanuel knows that the Salam Center is a vital link for Rwanda, a country of 11 million people but no high-standard cardiac surgery facilities


Marcel Jenny Hall, University Hospital of Geneva
rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland

+41 22 3727625 (secretariat Professor Kalangos)


Welcome reception:
offered by the Republic and Canton of Geneva

Global Forum on Humanitarian medicine in cardiology and Cardiac Surgery

Objective: To serve as a discussion forum between Governments, International Organizations, Pharmaco- technical industry, Humanitarian Support Foundations and NGO’s providing humanitarian cardiac medicine in developing countries. The Global Forum furthermore places emphasis on health education, research and quality improvement as vehicles for local capacity building in the South.


Target audience: The Global Forum will be of interest to doctors specializing in cardiac care, medical professionals,  hospital  administrators,  non-profit  NGO’s  involved  with  providing  cardiac  services,  the pharmaco-technical   industry   with   products   used   in   cardiac   medicine,   governments,   international organizations and various aid agencies.


Exhibits: Medical supply and pharmaceutical companies are welcome to display their products and NGO’s are welcome to display information about their organizations. Exhibits are offered to organizations that contribute to the Global Forum meeting.

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