12h Global Forum
12th Global Forum
Key Note Speakers
Invited Guest speakers .
Professor ANDERSON, David R.,
Evelina London Children’s Hospital, London, UK
Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, MA, USA
Professor BUTERA, Gianfranco,
Policlinico San Donati, Milano, Italy.
Professor BAIRD , Christopher W,
Harvard Medical School, Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Professor CHRYSOSTOMOU, Constantinos,
Chief, Cardiac Critical Care, Nemour’s Children’s Hospital, Orlando, FL, USA
Professor JENKINS, Kathy,
Harvard Medical School, Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Professor JOVANOVIC, Ida,
Chief Pediatric Cardiology, Belgrade, Serbia
Professor KALANGOS, Afksendiyos,
Director Cardiovascular Clinic, MITERA Hospital, Athens, Greece.
Professor KUMAR, R. Krishna,
Amrita Institute of Medical Science, AIMS, Kochi, India
Professor LANGE, Rüdiger,
Chief, German Heart Center, Munich, Germany
Professor McELHINNEY, Doff,
Stanford University Medical Center, Dept. cardiothoracic surgery, pediatric cardiac surgery, Palo Alto, CA,USA
Mr. MOLLOY, Frank,
Co-Chair PCICS and William Novick Cardiac Alliance Memphis, TN, USA
Professor NOVICK, William M,
CEO, The William Novick Cardiac Alliance, Memphis, TN, USA
Professor PETROPOULOS, Andreas,
Merezi Klinika, Baku, Azerbaijan
Executive Director, Global Heart Network Foundation, Baku Azerbaijan
Professor PHOTIADES, Joachim,
Joachim, Berlin Heart Center, Berlin, Germany
Professor THOMSON, John,
Nuffield Health Hospital, Leeds, UK
Doctor TZIFA, Aphrodite,
Director Pediatric Cardiology, MITERA Hospital, Athens, Greece
Mrs ZHELEVA, Bistra,
Vice President of Strategy and advocacy Children’s HeartLink, Minneapolis, MN, USA